Winning products and ads
for your ecom business
Grow your business smart way, not wasting a single dollar on failed products, ads, or content! Our experts will provide you with all info you need to win big!

These are some of our hand-picked winning products

Start your journey now!


We include multiple different suppliers for each product. We give links to wholesale and dropshipping suppliers.


You get multiple ready to advertise videos!


We give you 3 potential brand names of the product for future scaling and building brand.


We include multiple competition store links, so you can see how they are selling product. We also provide links of the product on tiktok.


How does Ecom Locator find winning products?

We have a team specialized in product research.
Before we add any product, we make sure it’s new and all products are tested on Meta platform.

How often are new products added?

We add new products every week.

Which payment method do you accept?

We accept card payments.


After choosing your plan, registering and entering card details, you will get 48h free trial, then you will be billed for amount which plan you chose. You are then billed same amount every month, until you cancel membership from your account dashboard.

What are your product pricing/profits?

All our product profits are based on wholesale price.

What are non-china suppliers?

We are searching daily for new products and suppliers. Some of our products are from best suppliers in Europe and Turkey.